Cao Xinde

Office Phone:021-54744008

LCC Part Time Environmental Engineering
  • PhD, Chemical department, University of Science and Technology of China, 1998;
  • Lecturer, Environmental College, Nanjing University, China, 1998-2000
  • Post doctor, University of Florida, US, 2000-2003;
  • Post doctor, Stevens Institute of Technology, US, 2003-2005;
  • Researcher, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, US, 2005-2009;
  • Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 2009-now.
Research Fields
  • Soil and groundwater pollution repair technology;
  • Soil multi-interface process and environmental behavior;
  • Green friendly multi-functional environmental restoration materials;
  • Soil solid carbon technology and its ecological environment effect.