




  • 2015年7月 – 2019年12月 博士,材料科学与工程,新加坡国立大学

  • 2011年9月– 2015年6月 学士,无机非金属材料工程,山东大学

  • 2023年2月 – 至今 长聘教轨副教授,上海交通大学中英国际低碳学院

  • 2019年12月 – 2023年1月 博士后研究员(Research Fellow),新加坡国立大学  合作导师:Prof. John WANG ; Prof. Chaobin HE; Dr. Swee Ching TAN

  • 固液(水)汽界面能质转化及多孔界面传热传质

  • 太阳能热利用技术与优化

  • 水与能源可持续技术,光热界面水蒸发
  • 多物理场耦合模拟及仿真计算、智慧能源
  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金(2023)
  • 国家级海外高层次青年人才计划(2023)
  • 上海市领军人才计划(2022)

As a SJTUer: 

  1. Mao K, Zhang Y*, Tan SC*. Functionalizing solar-driven steam generation towards water and energy sustainability. Nature Water 2025, 3, 144-156.                          https://www.nature.com/articles/s44221-024-00363-x
  2. Z Yu, T Xiong, Y Zhang*. Dynamic water gating facilitated the formation of micro-nano water films for rapid solar-driven evaporation. Matter 2024, 7, 3250-3252.
  3. Q Liu, Z Yu, Y Zhang*, K Mao, W Xiang, S Guo, T Xiong, SC Tan. Solar-driven fast and selective extraction of lithium from seawater enabled by unidirectional photothermal conversion and confined crystallization with facile synthesis of nanoarray evaporator.  Chemical Engineering Journal, 2025, 506, 159990.
  4. Z Mao, Y Han, J Shen, L Zhang, Y Xie, J Liu, H Wu, Z Yu, X Duan, Y Zhang*, J Lu. Simultaneous Salt Rejection and Heat Localization Via Engineering Macrochannels in Morning Glory‐Shaped 3D Evaporator. Advanced Science 2024, 11, 2405639.
  5. S Guo, Y Zhang*, SC Tan. Device design and optimization of sorption-based atmospheric water harvesters. Device 2023, 1, 100099.


Before SJTU:

  1. Zhang Y, Yu Z, Qu H, Guo S, Yang J, Zhang S, Yang L, Wang J*, Tan SC*. Self-sustained programmable hygro-electronic interfaces for humidity-regulated hierarchical information encryption and display. Adv. Mater. 2023, 2208081.
  2. Zhang Y, Tan SC*. Standard practices for solar water production technologies. Nat. Sustain. 2022, 5, 554–556.
  3. Zhang Y, Qu H, Guo S, Yu ZG, Zhang X, Sun W, Yang J, Suresh L, Koh JJ, Tan SC*. An asymmetric hygroscopic structure for moisture-driven hygro-ionic electricity generation and storage. Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2201228.
  4. Zhang Y, Nandakumar DK, Tan SC*. Digestion of Ambient Humidity for Energy Generation. Joule 2020, 4, 2532-2536.
  5. Zhang Y, Xiong T, Suresh L, Qu H, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Tan SC*. Guaranteeing complete salt rejection by channeling saline water through fluidic photothermal structure toward synergistic zero energy clean water production and in situ energy generation. ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 3397-3404.
  6. Zhang Y†; Zhang H†, Xiong T, Qu H, Koh JJ, Nandakumar DK, Wang J, Tan SC*. Manipulating unidirectional fluid transportation to drive sustainable solar water extraction and brine-drenching induced energy generation. Energy Environ. Sci. 2020, 13, 4891-4902. (†: Equal Contribution) (Cover Paper)
  7. Zhang Y, Xiong T, Nandakumar DK, Tan SC*. Structure architecting for salt-rejecting solar interfacial desalination to achieve high-performance evaporation with in situ energy generation. Adv. Sci. 2020, 7, 1903478.
  8. Zhang Y, Ravi SK, Tan SC*. Food-derived carbonaceous materials for solar desalination and thermo-electric power generation. Nano Energy 2019, 65, 104006.
  9. Zhang Y, Ravi SK, Yang L, Vaghasiya JV, Suresh L, Tan I, Tan SC*. Portable trilayer photothermal structure for hybrid energy harvesting and synergic water purification. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 38674-38682.
  10. Zhang Y, Ravi SK, Tan SC*. Systematic Study of the Effects of System Geometry and Ambient Conditions on Solar Steam Generation for Evaporation Optimization. Adv. Sustainable Syst. 2019, 3, 1900044.
  11. Zhang Y, Ravi SK, Vaghasiya JV, Tan SC*. A Barbeque-Analog Route to Carbonize Moldy Bread for Efficient Steam Generation. iScience 2018, 3, 31-39.
  12. Bai LZhang Y, Guo S, Qu H, Yu Z, Yu H, Chen W*, Tan SC*. Hygrothermic Wood Actuated Robotic Hand. Adv. Mater. 2023, 35, 2211437. (†: Equal Contribution)
  13. Nandakumar DK†, Zhang Y†, Ravi SK, Guo N, Zhang C, Tan SC*. Solar Energy Triggered Clean Water Harvesting from Humid Air Existing above Sea Surface Enabled by a Hydrogel with Ultrahigh Hygroscopicity. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1806730. (†: Equal Contribution)
  14. Guo S†, Zhang Y†, Qu H, Li M, Zhang S, Yang J, Zhang X, Tan SC*. Repurposing face mask waste to construct floating photothermal evaporator for autonomous solar ocean farming. Ecomat. 2022, 4, e12179. (†: Equal Contribution) (Cover Paper)
  15. Yu Z, Li S, Chen Y, Zhang S, Chu J*, Zhang Y*, Tan SC*. Intensifying the co-production of vapor and salts by a one-way brine-flowing structure driven by solar irradiation or waste heat. Desalination 2022, 539, 115942.
  16. Guo S, Zhang Y*, Tan SC*. Device design and optimization of sorption-based atmospheric water harvester. Device 2023, 1, 100099.
  • 担任《Carbon Neutrality》与《DeCarbon》青年编委
  • 担任 Nat. Sustain.、Nat. Water、Joule、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Energy. Mater.与Adv. Funct. Mater.等期刊审稿人
  • 2024.09,入选斯坦福大学2024年全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单

  • 2023.08,“建行杯”第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,二等奖(指导教师)

  • 2022.12,SusArticle首届可持续发展材料论文征文奖

  • 2021.03,UltraDry Pte. Ltd., Singapore,杰出贡献奖

  • 2019.11,国际研讨会(Cell出版社),墙报奖

  • 2017.10,Lean Launchpad Programme, 荣誉证书