


JOSE ALEJANDRO QUIROZ SALAZAR同学(中英国际低碳学院,动力工程(085206)专业,班号B2028092,学号120280990008):


根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(中华人民共和国教育部令第41号)第三十条,以及 《上海交通大学研究生培养管理规定》(沪交研〔2020〕43号)第四十三条应予退学规定第(一)款“学业成绩未达到学校要求或者在学校规定年限内(含休学及批准延期)未完成学业”,上海交通大学拟对您作退学处理。请在2023年05月10日之前与下述联系人联系,办理相关手续,如您对此学籍处理建议有异议,请在下述时间和地点陈述、申辩您的相关事实、理由及依据。逾期不作任何反馈的,将视为您对此退学处理建议没有异议。


上海交通大学研究生培养管理规定(沪交研〔2021〕86号)第二十一条:研究生不能在规定的基本学习年限内毕业的,应在学习年限期满前3个月提交延期毕业申请,且必须在学习年限期满前完成延期毕业手续办理。延期毕业须由研究生本人提出申请,经导师(组)同意、院系审核批准后,报研究生院审核备案。延期后的毕业时间不得超过相应的最长学习年限(含休学)。逾期未提出延期申请或延期申请未获得批准者,作应予退学处理。”该生(JOSE ALEJANDRO QUIROZ SALAZAR)于2023年3月31日前未完成学业也未提交学籍异动申请,作应予退学处理。












Dear JOSE ALEJANDRO QUIROZ SALAZARChina-UK Low Carbon Collegemajoring in Power Engineering(085206)Class ID: B2028092Student ID: 120280990008,

According to Article 30 of the Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education (Order of the Ministry of Education, PR China, No. 41) and Item, Article 43 of the SJTU Regulations on Graduate Education and Management (HJY [2020] No.43) on the termination of student status, “The academic performance does not meet the requirements of the University, or the student fails to complete his/her studies within the prescribed study duration (including the period of suspension and approved extension)”, your student status will be terminated and you are requested to withdraw from the university. Please contact the following contact person before May 10th, 2023 and complete the necessary procedures. If you have any objection to this request, please appeal with relevant facts, excuses, and evidence at the time and venue as specified below. If no feedback is heard from you within the specified time limit, you will be deemed to have no objection to the request to withdraw from the university.

You are requested to withdraw from the university based on the fact that:

According to Article 21 of the SJTU Regulations on Graduate Education and Management ( HJY2021 No. 86): Graduate students who cannot graduate within the prescribed basic study duration are obliged to apply for extension of schooling 3 months before the end of expected graduation date, and must complete the formalities of schooling extension before the end of expected graduation date. The application shall be submitted by the graduate student in person, firstly approved by the supervisor (or supervising group), then reviewed and approved by the School (Department), and thereafter submitted to the Graduate School for archive. The extended graduation date shall not exceed the corresponding longest study duration (including the period of suspension).” The above mentioned student (JOSE ALEJANDRO QUIROZ SALAZAR) has failed to complete his studies and has not applied for student status change before March 31st, 2023, thus his student status should be terminated and he is requested to withdraw from the university.

Time and venue to appeal:

Time: 09:00 – 11:00, May 15th, 2023(GMT+8).

Venue:  Room A432, Main Building, China-UK Low Carbon College


Contact Person:

Name: Ms. SHI  Tel+86-21-80160861EMailshiqing@sjtu.edu.cn

OfficeTeaching Administration Office, 4th Floor, Main Building, China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; No. 3 Yinlian Road, Pudong District, Shanghai, PRC.

China-UK Low Carbon College

April 28th, 2023