Study at LCC


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Students from overseas (Non-Chinese Citizen), Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao are eligible to apply.
  • Students must have completed at least one year of an undergraduate program and be enrolled as a current undergraduate.
  • Hold at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale or equivalent.
  • Students from non-English speaking countries must provide an English language proficiency certificate: an IELTS with a score no less than 6.0 or a TOEFL with a score no less than 78 points. If you are studying in a fully English taught program, you must provide the relevant certificates.
  • Additional requirements vary for different laboratory.



27 June, 2023 - 9 August, 2023


LCC Projects (5 projects, see below for more information)


Application Procedures

Please apply through the website:

The following items shall be uploaded alongside the online application:

  • A scan of the identification page of your passport. The passport must be valid for at least 6 more months
  • for the visa application.
  • ID photo (similar to a passport photo)
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Copy of your most recent academic transcript
  • Motivation letter
  • Recommendation letter
  • Report of your past research experience (if available)
  • Language proficiency certificate (if available)


Program Fee:

Application fee (non-refundable): 400RMB


Online Application Deadline:

30 May, 2023



You will be notified of the results through our website and an email within two weeks of completing the application.


Certificate and Transcript

After completing the program and submitting the final report, participants will receive an official certificate from the university. Official transcripts will be sent to the mailing address that you have provided in the application by September, 2023. Students who wish to transfer credits need to obtain pre-approval from the relevant authorities at your home universities.


For more information, please download the 2023 SJTU Summer Internship Program Brochure.


Project 1: Research on the Coordinated Control of SOFC/GT Hybrid System Based on Safety Margin

Contact: Assistant Professor. Xiaojing Lv


Project Description and Objectives

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine (SOFC/GT) hybrid system has the advantages of high efficiency, low emission and fuel flexibility, which is one of the most important development directions of power generation technology in the future.

However, the safe and stable operation and high-performance control have always been the difficult technology question to restrict the development of hybrid system because of the complexity. Aiming at the above problems, this project intends to establish a dynamic mathematical model of SOFC/GT hybrid system with safe boundary, reveal the coupling mechanism of safety margin, operation characteristics, electrochemical reaction characteristics, develop an coordinated control method of performance indicators and multi-dimensional safety margin, and obtain the safe and efficient operation trajectory of the hybrid system from start-up to load regulation to shut-down.

The results will be beneficial for providing theoretical and experimental support and data base for the optimization design、safety warning setting, and efficient control strategy formulation of hybrid system, which have vital theoretical significance and practical value for promoting the process development of hybrid system from theory research to actual application.

Eligibility Requirements

Knowledge of laboratory safety should be mastered.

Basic knowledge/coursework in advanced energy system, thermodynamics, or electrochemistry engineering.

Students who have experiences in labs is preferred.

Main Tasks

Propose a new idea to improve the hybrid system performance based on the theory and experiment work.

Make a presentation of the simulation or experimental study.

Complete a final report of this program.

Project 2: Preparation of Biodegradable Plastics from Waste Shells

Contact Information: Assistant Prof. Xi Chen


Project Description and Objectives

Waste resources utilization is a pivotal topic for the sustainable development of the society to promote carbon circulation and reduce carbon emission. “Waste-to-wealth” is the idea to transform the waste materials generated in industrial activities or our daily life into valuable products such as chemicals, materials, etc. This internship program focuses on the manufacturing of biodegradable plastics and other value-added chemicals from waste crab/shrimp shells or woody biomass such as wheat straws. Some tools may be applied to solve problems in the projects mainly including catalytic techniques and simple machine learning skills to deal with the data. The objectives are to reinforce the awareness of the students on waste utilization, equip them with some frontier techniques to change the waste into useful products and enable them to command basic skills in experimental design, data processing, critical thinking, etc., so that they can contribute in relevant fields in the future to protect the environment and mitigate carbon emission.

Eligibility Requirements

Have relevant backgrounds (Environment, Chemistry, Engineering, etc.).

Main Tasks

Establish a feasible process to transform waste shell-derived chitosan into biodegradable plastic bags with good properties.

Project 3: Design Thermal Functional Materials via Materials Informatics

Contact Information:

Asso. Prof. Shenghong Ju



Project Description and Objectives:

Designing functionalized materials with desired thermal property holds its critical importance in applications of thermal interfacial materials, thermoelectrics, thermal barrier coatings and thermal insulators. Materials informatics (MI), which has been considered as the fourth paradigm of science in addition to theory, simulation, and experiment, is now gaining a great attention in materials research. In this project, we will employ various intelligence optimiza- tion method to solve the bottlenecks of material selection and structure designing which limit the designing efficiency in thermal functional materials.


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Familiar with or interested in machine learning and data science.
  • Fundamental knowledge in heat transfer and materials science.


Main Tasks:

  • Screening material database to find materials with ultimate high/low thermal conductivity
  • Designing nanostructures to tune thermal transport via quantum annealing.





Project 4: Thermal Storage and Energy conservation

Contact Information:

Asso. Prof. Huijin Xu



Project Description and Objectives:

The increase in energy consumption has resulted in the increased demand of fossil fuels and the increased pollutant emissions. Efficient energy utilization and renewable energy provide solutions to these issues. Energy storage technology can feasibly recover industrial waste thermal energy, enhance the use of solar energy, and balance the demand and supply of energy in time and place. There are three categories of thermal energy-storage systems: sensible heat storage, latent heat storage, and chemical heat storage (CHS). Compared with the first two types, CHS systems show great advantages, such as high energy density and long-term storage with negligible energy loss. CHS is also called seasonal heat storage because of the possibility of satisfying the demand for thermal energy in winter with the strong solar thermal energy in the summer. CHS works on the basis of reversible thermochemical reactions to store and release thermal energy.

What’s more, adsorption seawater desalination is a technology based on low-temperature evaporation under negative pressure and adsorption/desorption coupling of porous media.


Eligibility Requirements:

Students should be in the major of Engineering, and have interests to exploring the knowledge of thermal energy storage for practical applications.


Main Tasks:

  • Test and analyze the curve of inorganic salt doped Mg(OH)2.
  • By heating and melting the PCM then cooling the PCM, obtain the supercooling phenomenon and the distribution of supercooling degree during the solidification.
  • Prepare the composite heat storage materials with good thermal properties and stable properties.
  • Understand the seawater desalination system based on adsorptive materials.



Lab: N/A


Project 5: WASTE TO ENERGY: Biological Systems towards Energy and Environmental Sustainability

Contact Information:

Asso. Prof. Jingxin Zhang



Project Description and Objectives:

With the rapid urbanization and population explosion in the past decades, an increasing number of people are congregating in big cities, hence generating a massive amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) and consuming more energy than ever before. The major focus of this project is to develop a novel sustainable waste management and energy recovery solutions suitable for energy and environmental sustainability. This project will examine a coupled problem at the nexus of energy and waste, accelerate the waste recycling and reduce energy reliance on traditional fossil fuel sources and its emission of pollutants, at the same time.


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Proficient English skills.
  • Major in Environment, Biology, Chemistry, and other relevant subjects.


Main Tasks:

  • Propose a research plan to improve the performance of a biological system for the conversion of organic wastes into energy/resources.
  • Literature review and experimental works.
  • Prepare a final report.



