Chong Cheng Tung

Associate Professor

LCC Full Time Power Engineering
Educational Background
  • 2007 - 2011: PhD (Engineering), University of Cambridge
  • 2002 - 2007: BEng (Mechanical- Aeronautics), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Advanced Newton Fellow (Royal Society)

China National High-Level Talent Program (Youth)



Dr. Chong Cheng Tung is an Associate Professor at the China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He holds a bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and a PhD in the field of Energy & Fuels from University of Cambridge, UK. He has published over 150 SCI papers with h-index of 48 and over 8000 citations, 9 highly cited papers and 3 research books. He is listed as the Top 2% researcher in the world (since 2020) in the Stanford University's Scientist List. He has participated in over 20 research projects as PI/Co-PI related to the area of fuel and energy, gas turbine, biomass and waste valorization. Dr. Chong has won over 30 research awards, among them are Royal Society-Newton Advanced Fellowship, PYRO ASIA Young Researcher Award and ASEAN Science Diplomat Award. His innovation“Catalytic Microwave Pyrolysis Technology for Climate Positive Environment, CLYMATE+”was listed as the finalist of the global Omnipreneurship Awards 2020: Sustainability Branch. He has served as the editorial board member of FUELS (MDPI), guest editors of ENERGY (Elsevier), Journal of Biotechnology (Elsevier) and Jurnal Teknologi, and review editor of Frontiers in Energy Research. He serves as the board member of the 6th and 7th International Conference on Low Carbon Asia, a Scientific Committee Member of Symposium on Ammonia Energy. 


Research Fields
  • Alternative fuel combustion and production
  • Ammonia/hydrogen production and combustion
  • New energy system
  • Carbon capture and utilisation

* For application of postgraduate (Master) position (2024/2025 intake), please email me for detail,  

** Postdoc position with area related to combustion chemistry and diagnostics, please contact me at


Research Projects
  1. NSFC Research Fund for International Young Scientists, 2022 (PI)
  2. Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, International research collaboration grant, 2023 (PI)
  3. China-Slovenia Mobility Grant, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, 2021 (PI)
  4. Newton Advanced Fellowship-The Royal Society, 2016-2019 (PI)

Published over 150 papers, of which 10 papers are highly cited papers, citation over 9000, h-index 52.


Journal papers

  1. CT Chong*, JH Ng*, Limitations to sustainable renewable jet fuels production attributed to cost than energy-water-food resource availability, Nature Communications, 14:8156, 2023
  2. YN Tang, CT Chong*, JH Ng, L Herraiz, J Li, HC Ong, SS Lam, M Tabatabaei, WWF Chong, Thermoexergetic analysis and response optimisation of selective exhaust gas recirculation with solvent-based CO2 capture in a natural gas-fired combined cycle power plant, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policies,, 2023
  3. S Wang, CT Chong*, T Xie, J Viktor, JH Ng, Ammonia/methane dual-fuel injection and co-firing strategy in a swirl flame combustor for pollutant emissions control, Energy, 281:128221, 2023
  4. B Tian, L Fan, CT Chong, Z Gao, JH Ng, S Ni, L Zhu, S Hochgreb, Soot volume fraction and size measurements over laminar pool flames and pre-vaporised non-premixed flames of biofuels, methyl esters and blends with diesel, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 141:110794, 2023
  5. CT Chong, B Tian, JH Ng, L Fan, MV Tran, C Zhang, S Hochgreb, Measurements of soot and response optimisation of laminar pool and prevaporised jet flames for various oxygenated biofuels, Combustion and Flame, 245:112328, 2022
  6. X Tian, CT Chong*, S Wang, T Seljak, JH Ng, MV Tran, S Karmakar, B Tian, Flow field, flame structure and emissions quantifications of oxygenated glycerol in a swirl flame combustor, Fuel, 321:124052, 2022
  7. M Kumar, CT Chong, S Karmakar, Comparative assessment of combustion characteristics of limonene, Jet A-1 and blends in a swirl-stabilized combustor under the influence of pre-heated swirling air, Fuel, 316:12335, 2022
  8. GR Mong, CT Chong*, WWF Chong, JH Ng, HC Ong, V Ashokkumar, MV Tran, S Karmakar, BHH Goh, Progress and challenges in sustainable pyrolysis technology: Reactors, feedstocks and products, Fuel, 324:124777, 2022
  9. CT Chong*, M Cao, B Tian, T Xie, Measurements of soot particulate emissions of ammonia-ethylene flames using laser extinction method, Energies, 15(14):5209, 2022
  10. CT Chong, YV Fan, CT Lee, JJ Klemeš, Post COVID-19 ENERGY sustainability and carbon emissions neutrality, Energy, 241:122801, 2021
  11. CT Chong, TY Loe, KY Wong, V Ashokkumar, SS Lam, WT Chong, A Borrion, B Tian, JH Ng, Biodiesel sustainability: The global impact of potential biodiesel production on the energy-water-food (EWF) nexus, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 22 (1):101408, 2021
  12. BHH Goh, CT Chong*, HC Ong, T Seljak, T Katrasnik, V Jozsa, JH Ng, T Bo, S Karmakar, A Veeramuthu, Recent advancements in catalytic conversion pathways for synthetic jet fuel produced from bioresources, Energy Conversion and Management, 251 (8):114974, 2021
  13. T Bo, A Liu, CT Chong, L Fan, S Ni, A Hull, A Hull, S Rigopoulos, KH Luo, S Hochgreb, Measurement and simulation of sooting characteristics by an ATJ-SKA biojet fuel and blends with Jet A-1 fuel in laminar non-premixed flames, Combustion and Flames, 233:111582, 2021
  14. MC Chiong, CT Chong, JH Ng, S Mashruk, WWF Chong, NA Samiran, GR Mong, A Valera-Medina, Advancements of combustion technologies in the ammonia-fuelled engines, Energy Conversion and Management, 244 (1):114460, 2021
  15. L Fan, B Tian, CT Chong, MNM Jaafar, K Tanno, D McGrath, PM de Oliveira, B Rogg, S Hochgreb, The effect of fine droplets on laminar propagation speed of a strained acetone-methane flame: Experiment and simulations, Combustion and Flames, 229(4):111377, 2021
  16. GR Mong, CT Chong*, JH Ng, WWF Chong, HC Ong, MV Tran, Multivariate optimisation study and life cycle assessment of microwave-induced pyrolysis of horse manure for waste valorisation and management, Energy, 216:119194, 2020
  17. GR Mong, CT Chong*, JH Ng, WWF Chong, SS Lam, HC Ong, FN Ani, Microwave pyrolysis for valorisation of horse manure biowaste, Energy Conversion and Management, 220:113074, 2020
  18. BHH Goh, CT Chong*, Y Ge, HC Ong, J-H Ng, B Tian, A Veeramuthu, S Lim, T Seljak, V Jozsa, Progress in utilisation of waste cooking oil for sustainable biodiesel and biojet fuel production, Energy Conversion and Management, 223:113296, 2020
  19. CT Chong*, GR Mong, JH Ng, WWF Chong, FN Ani, SS Lam, HC Ong, Pyrolysis characteristis and kinetic studies of horse manure using thermogravimetric analysis, Energy Conversion and Management; 180:1260-1267, 2019
  20. CT Chong*, WH Tan, SL Lee, WWF Chong, SS Lam, A Valera-Medina, Morphology and growth of carbon nanotubes catalytically synthesised by premixed hydrocarbon-rich flames, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 197:246-255, 2017
  21. CT Chong*, MC Chiong, JH Ng, MV Tran, A Valera-Medina, V Jozsa, B Tian, Dual-fuel operation of biodiesel and natural gas in a model gas turbine combustor, Energy & Fuels, 34(3):3788-3796, 2020
  22. L Fan, CT Chong*, B Tian, Y Zheng, D McGrath, S Hochgreb, Simultaneous two-phase flame velocity measurement using laser-induced incandescence particle image velocimetry (LII-PIV), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38:1:1589-1597, 2020
  23. CT Chong*, B Tian, JH Ng, L Fan, S Ni, KY Wong, S Hochgreb, Quantification of carbon particulates produced under open liquid pool and prevaporised flame conditions: Waste cooking oil biodiesel and diesel blends, Fuel, 270:117469, 2020
  24. CT Chong*, M-C Chiong, ZY Teo, J-H Ng, M-V Tran, SS Lam, A Valera-Medina, Pool fire burning characteristics of biodiesel, Fire Technology, 56:1703–1724, 2020
  25. CT Chong*, JH Ng, MS Aris, GR Mong, N Shahril, ST Ting, MF Zulkifli, Impact of gas composition variations on flame blowout and spectroscopic characteristics of lean premixed swirl flames, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 128:1-13, 2019
  26. CT Chong*, MC Chiong, JH Ng, M Lim, MV Tran, A Valera-Medina, WWF Chong, Oxygenated Sunflower biodiesel: spectroscopic and emissions quantification under reacting swirl spray conditions, Energy, 178:804-813, 2019
  27. NA Samiran, CT Chong*, JH Ng , MV Tran, HC Ong, A Valera-Medina, WWF Chong, MNM Jaafar, Experimental and numerical studies on the premixed syngas swirl flames in a model combustor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (44):24126-24139, 2019
  28. CT Chong*, S Hochgreb, Flame structure, spectroscopy and emissions quantification of rapeseed biodiesel under model gas turbine conditions, Applied Energy, 185:1383-1392, 2017
  29. NA Samiran, JH Ng, MNM Jaafar, A Valera-Medina, CT Chong*, Swirl stability and emission characteristics of co-enriched syngas/air flame in a premixed swirl burner, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 112 (Part B):315-326, 2017
  30. NA Samiran, JH Ng, MNM Jaafar, A Valera-Medina, CT Chong*, H2-rich syngas strategy to reduce NOx and CO emissions and improve stability limits under premixed swirl combustion mode, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(42):19243-19255, 2016

Research book

  1. CT Chong, J-H Ng, Advanced Transport Biofuels-Production, Economics, and Sustainability, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-443-15879-7, 2024
  2. CT Chong, J-H Ng, Biojet Fuel in Aviation Applications-Production, Usage and Impacts of Biofuels, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-822854-8, 2021
  3. CT Chong, Combustion of Biodiesel in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor, UTM Press, ISBN: 978-983-52- 15674, 2018
  4. A Valera-Medina, E Ifan, CT Chong, Regularory framework in Techno-Economic Challenges of Green Ammonia as an Energy Vector Chapter: 11, Academic Press, p.259-276, 2021

Post-graduate courses

1. New Energy Systems (Autumn)

2. Net Zero-Carbon Fuels (Autumn)

3. Hydrogen Energy and Synthetic Fuels (Spring)

Undergraduate courses

1. Net Zero-Carbon Fuels (Summer)- SDG July Camp for 2022, 2023 and 2024, Net Zero-Carbon Fuels ( , Net Zero-Carbon Fuels - International Affairs Division (

Other Professional Activities
  • Managing Guest Editor - ENERGY (Elsevier), CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY (Springer Nature) 2020- present
  • Editorial Board Member - Fuels (MDPI), 2020 - present
  • Guest Editor – Energies (MDPI, Special issue: Fuel and Engine Design for Future Thermal Propulsion Systems), 2019
Honors and Awards
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2022 Teaching Excellence Award "Jiao Shu Yu Ren", second prize
  • 2021 Shanghai Jiao Tong University "Global SJTU Talk Show", first prize
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2020 Young Lecturer Teaching Competition, first prize
  • 2020 Young Researcher Award, PYRO ASIA
  • 2018 EURAXESS Science Slam winner, EURAXESS Worldwide (China)