He Sheng-bing, Gao Jian-wen, Chen Xue-chu and Dai Ding-li. Nitrogen removal in micro-polluted surface water by the combined process of biofilter-ecological gravel bed. Wat Sci & Tech. 2013, 67(10): 2356-2362.
He Shengbing, Xue Gang. Algal-based immobilization process to treat the effluent from a secondary wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Journal of hazardous material. 2010, 178(1-3): 895-899.
He Sheng-bing, Xue Gang, Wang Bao-zhen. Factors affecting simultaneous nitrification and de-nitrification (SND) and its kinetics model in membrane bioreactor. Journal of hazardous material. 2009, 168(2-3): 704-710.
He Sheng-bing, Yan Li, Kong Hai-nan, Wu De-yi, Liu Zhi-ming, Hu Zhan-bo. Treatment Efficiencies of Constructed Wetlands for Eutrophic Landscape River Water. Pedosphere. 2007, 17(4):522-528.
He Sheng-bing, Xue Gang, Kong Hai-nan, Li Xin. Improving the performance of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) by the addition of zeolite powder. Journal of hazardous material. 2007, 142(1-2):493-499.
He Sheng-bing, Xue Gang, Kong Hai-nan. The performance of BAF using natural zeolite as filter media under conditions of low temperature and ammonium shock load. Journal of hazardous material. 2007, 143(1-2):291-295.
He Sheng-bing, Xue Gang, Wang Bao-zhen. Activated sludge ozonation to reduction sludge production in membrane bioreactor (MBR). Journal of hazardous material. 2006, 135(1-3):406-411.
He Sheng-bing, Xue Gang, Kong Hai-nan. Zeolite Powder Addition to improve the performance of submerged gravitation-filtration membrane bioreactor. Journal of Environmental Science. 2006,18(2):242-247.
Wang Bao-zhen, He Sheng-bing, Wang Lin, Liu Shuo. Simultaneous nitrification and de-nitrification in MBR. Water Science and Technology. 2005,52 (10-11): 435-442.
He sheng-bing, Wang bao-zhen, Wang lin, Jiang yi-feng. Determination of operational parameters of anaerobic phase for enhanced phosphorus removal in MBR. Journal of Environmental Science. 2004,16(1):67-72.