课程基本信息(Course Information) |
课程代码 (Course Code) |
ENVR8165 |
*学时 (Credit Hours) |
32 |
*学分 (Credits) |
2 |
*课程名称 (Course Name) |
(中文)净零碳城市的基础设施 |
(英文)Infrastructure for Net-zero Carbon Cities |
课程性质 (Course Type) |
专业选修课 |
授课语言 (Language of Instruction) |
英语 English |
*开课院系 (School) |
中英国际低碳学院 China-UK Low Carbon College |
先修课程 (Prerequisite) |
无 None |
授课教师 (Teacher) |
童抗抗 Kangkang Tong |
课程网址 (Course Webpage) |
无 None |
*课程简介 |
本课程是中英国际低碳学院的低碳资源与环境和低碳能源方向硕士研究生的专业选修课。该课程是围绕低碳城市基础设施系统转型,结合资源可持续管理理论和环境影响评价方法的交叉学科课程。本课程旨在增强学生们应用系统性思维分析城市以及区域的可持续低碳发展路径,为中国和世界的碳中和发展培养交叉型和创新型人才。课程的主要内容包括:i)城市系统、基础设施供应系统、碳中和/净零碳、可持续性等基础概念;ii)量化城市活动带来环境影响的系统性分析方法;iii)城市碳核算方法和应用;iv)推动城市基础设施低碳转型的关键技术和政策;v)城市基础设施系统低碳转型与可持续发展的关系;vi)面向城市净零碳化发展的多基础设施转型方案分析。本课程无先修课程。 |
* Description |
This course is a specialized course for graduate students pursuing a master’s degree in Low Carbon Environment and Low Carbon Energy at China-UK Low Carbon College. This course combines theories and analytical skills related to sustainable resource management and environmental impact assessment with the focus on urban infrastructure systems, and it has the nature of being interdisciplinary. The main content includes: i) concepts of urban systems, key infrastructure provisioning systems, carbon neutrality/net-zero carbon, and sustainability; ii) urban carbon accounting/foot printing theories and approaches; iii) key technology and policy levers promoting net-zero carbon urban transitions; iv) key technology and policies to promote low-carbon urban transitions; v) relationships between low-carbon infrastructure transitions and sustainability; and vi) evaluation of transitions associated with multiple infrastructure sectors in cities to achieve the net-zero carbon goal. This course aims to enhance students’ capability to conduct systemic analyses at the city level and beyond. Students are expected to be trained to become interdisciplinary, innovative, and practical talents, who can contribute to carbon-neutral development in China and the world. No prerequisite is needed for this course. |
课程教学大纲(Course Syllabus) |
*学习目标 (Learning Outcomes) |
本课程的核心教学目标是深化学生对资源应用带来的社会和环境问题理解;增强学生们理论结合实际进行对实现城市碳中和措施的集成性分析的能力。具体而言,该课程学习目标包括使学生: 1)理解城市可持续发展和碳中和相关的基础概念; 2)熟练掌握城市碳核算分析方法和理论; 4)理解城市基础设施低碳转型与可持续发展之间的联系。 This course has the core objective to deepen students’ understanding of social and environmental problems related to resource management and improve their capability to integrate theories and analytical skills when evaluating low-carbon actions at the city scale and beyond. After taking the class, students will:
*教学内容、进度安排及要求 (Class Schedule & Requirements) |
Class schedule:
*考核方式 (Grading) |
Learning journals/homework of week 1 to week 5 (25%) Group project: data collection and analysis (25%), the whole report (25%), presentation (15%), evaluation from group members based on contributions to the group project (5%) Attendance: 5%
*教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Materials) |
每周的教学资料来自前沿的论文和经典教科书的章节。一周大约2-3篇核心论文/教科书章节和5-6篇泛读论文。 Each week will provide students two to three key research articles/textbook chapters, as well as five to six articles for their interest.
教科书: David JC MacKay. Sustainable Energy without Hot Air. 2008 ed. https://www.withouthotair.com/ (可免费下载。具体章节待定) H. Scott Matthews, Chris T. Hendrickson, and Deanna H. Matthews. Life Cycle Assessment: Quantitative Approaches for Decisions that Matters. 2018 ed. https://www.lcatextbook.com/ (可免费下载。具体章节待定) Handbook of Material Flow Analysis For Environmental, Resource, and Waste Engineers, Second Edition.https://www.routledge.com/Handbook-of-Material-Flow-Analysis-For-Environmental-Resource-and-Waste/Brunner-Rechberger/p/book/9780367574093 (具体章节待定) 学术论文(Journal articles):待定
其它 (More) |
备注 (Notes) |