2010.12-2011.12,外资项目,FP7 (European) Marie Curie Collaborative Projects (IIF), (with Newcastle Universtiy in UK) "Adsor-resor cycle for cogeneration", 中方负责人
2010.2-2010.12,外资项目,UK Royal Society collaborative project, (with Warwick University in UK) "Novel types of high conductivity composite adsorbent for low energy refrigeration and heat pumping", 中方负责人
L.W. Wang, S.J. Metcalf, R. Thorpe, R.E. Critoph, Z. Tamainot-Telto. Development of thermal conductive consolidated activated carbon for adsorption refrigeration. Carbon,2012, 50: 977 –986.
L.W.Wang, S.J. Metcalf, R. Thorpe, R.E. Critoph, Z. Tamainot-Telto. Thermal conductivity and permeability of consolidated expanded natural graphite treated with sulphuric acid. Carbon 2011, 49(14): 4812-19.
L.W. Wang, Z. Tamainot-Telto, R. Thorpe, R.E. Critoph, S.J. Metcalf, R.Z. Wang. Study of thermal conductivity, permeability, and adsorption performance of consolidated composite activated carbon adsorbent for refrigeration. Renewable Energy, 2011, 36: 2062-2066
L.W. Wang, S.J. Metcalf, R.E. Critoph, Z. Tamainot-Telto, R. Thorpe. Two types of natural graphite host matrix for composite activated carbon adsorbents. Applied Thermal Engineering, Available online 21 July 2011
L.W. Wang, Z. Tamainot-Telto, S.J. Metcalf, R.E. Critoph, R.Z. Wang. Anisotropic thermal conductivity and permeability of compacted expanded natural graphite Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30(13): 1805-1811
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, R.G. Oliveira. A Review on Adsorption Working Pairs for Refrigeration. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2009, 13(3): 518-534.
L.W. Wang, H.S. Bao, R.Z. Wang. A comparison of the performances of adsorption and resorption refrigeration systems powered by the low grade heat. Renewable Energy, 2009, 34: 2373–2379
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, Z.Z. Xia, J.Y. Wu. Studies on heat pipe type adsorption ice maker for fishing boats. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2008, 31(6 ): 989-997.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, Z.S. Lu, C.J. Chen, K. Wang, J.Y. Wu. The performance of two adsorption ice making test units using activated carbon and a carbon composite as adsorbents. Carbon, 2006, 44:2671-2680.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, Z.S. Lu, C.J. Chen, J.Y. Wu. Comparison of the Adsorption Performance of Compound Adsorbent in a Refrigeration Cycle with and without Mass Recovery. Chemical Engineering Science. 2006, 61 (11): 3761-3770.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, Z.S. Lu, Y.X. Xu, J.Y. Wu. Split heat pipe type compound adsorption ice making unit for fishing boats. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2006, 29: 456–468.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, J.Y. Wu, Y.X. Xu, S.G. Wang. Design, simulation and performance of a waste heat driven adsorption ice maker for fishing boat. Energy, 2006, 31:244-259.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, Z.S. Lu, C.J. Chen. Studies on Split Heat Pipe Type Adsorption Ice-making Test Unit for Fishing Boats: Choice of Heat Pipe Medium and Experiments under Unsteady Heating Sources. Energy Conversion and Management, 2006, 47(15-16):2081-2091.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, J.Y. Wu, K. Wang. A new type adsorber for adsorption ice maker on fishing boats,Energy Conversion and Management, 2005, 46: 2301-2316.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, J.Y. Wu, K. Wang. Research on the chemical adsorption precursor state of CaCl2-NH3 for adsorption refrigeration. Science in China, Ser.E, 2005, 48(1):70-82.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, Z.Z. Xia, J.Y. Wu. Design of Heat Pipe Type Adsorption Ice Maker for Fishing Boats. Chinese J Chem Eng, 2005, 13(3): 403-410.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, J.Y. Wu, K. Wang. Compound adsorbent for adsorptin ice maker on fishing boats, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2004, 27(4): 401-408.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, J.Y. Wu, K. Wang, S.G. Wang. Adsorption ice makers for fishing boats driven by the exhaust heat from diesel engine: choice of adsorption pair, Energy Conversion and Management, 2004,45:2043-2057.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, J.Y. Wu, K. Wang, Adsorption performances and refrigeration application of adsorption working pair of CaCl2-NH3, Science in China, Ser.E, 2004, 47(2):173-185.
L.W. Wang, J.Y. Wu, R.Z. Wang, Y.X. Xu, S.G. Wang. Experimental study of a solidified activated carbon-methanol adsorption ice maker. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2003, 23:1453-1462.
L.W. Wang, J.Y. Wu, R.Z. Wang, Y.X. Xu, S.G. Wang, X.R. Li. Study on the performance of activated carbon-methanol adsorption systems concerning heat and mass transfer. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2003, 23:1605-1617.
B.Tian, Z.Q.Jin, L.W. Wang(通讯作者),R.Z. Wang. Permeability and thermal conductivity of compact chemical and physical adsorbents with expanded natural graphite as host matrix。 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55 (15-16): 4453-4459
L. Jiang, L.W. Wang(通讯作者), Z.Q. Jin, B. Tian, R.Z. Wang. Permeability and thermal conductivity of compact adsorbent of salts for sorption refrigeration. ASME-Heat Transfer, 2012, 134(10)
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang. Expectation of Adsorption Refrigeration for Waste Heat Recovery Applications. In: Refrigeration: Theory, Technology and Applications. USA: Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, USA. 2011, 369-405.
L.W. Wang, R.Z. Wang, Z.Z. Xia. Research on the Adsorption Ice Makers for Fishing Boats. In: Advances in Adsorption Technology, USA: Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, USA. 2010, 445-479.
王如竹,王丽伟,吴静怡. 吸附式制冷理论与应用. 北京:科学出版社, 2007.
Keynote lecture:
L.W. Wang. “Studies on heat pipe type adsorption ice maker for fishing boats.” The 22nd International Congress of Refrigeration, (Aug.21-26, 2007, Beijing, China).
Other reports:
L.W. Wang. “Solar powered cascading cogeneration cycle with ORC and adsorption technology for electricity and refrigeration”. 4th International Symposium on Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, Guangzhou, China. 2012.
L.W. Wang. “A novel type resorption cycle for electrical generation and refrigeration”. Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference (SusTEM) 2011, Newcastle, UK. 2011.
L.W. Wang. “Study of thermal conductivity, permeability, and adsorption performance of solidified composite activated carbon adsorbent for refrigeration”. Heat Powered Cycles Conference 2009, Berlin, Germany. 2009.
L.W. Wang. “Experiment investigation of a novel adsorption deep freezing system using a new type of composite adsorbent”. International Sorption Heat Pump Conference’2008 (ISHPC’2008), Seoul, Korea. 2008
L.W. Wang. “The adsorption freezing technology driven by the low temperature heat source”, International Sorption Heat Pump Conference’2008 (ISHPC’2008), Seoul, Korea. 2008
L.W. Wang. “Split heat pipe type adsorption ice maker with compound adsorbent: a better choice for fishing boats”. International Sorption Heat Pump Conference’2005 (ISHPC’2005), Denver, U.S.A. 2005.
L.W. Wang. “Influences of heat and mass transfer characteristics on the performance of adsorption ice maker driven by waste heat”. International Sorption Heat Pump Conference’2002 (ISHPC’2002), Shanghai, P. R. China. 2002.
Honors and Awards
2010: 欧盟居里夫人奖学金(EU Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship)获得者
2009:英国皇家学会奖学金 (Royal Society International Incoming Fellowship) 获得者