
副教授 (兼 院长助理)


Office Phone:021-54747728

Educational Background
  • 1999-2003 本科 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院;
  • 2003-2008 博士 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院;
  • 2008-2018  任教 上海交通大学 环境科学与工程学院;
  • 2011-2012  访问学者 法国普瓦捷大学ENSMA • UPR 实验室;
  • 2018-至今   任教 上海交通大学 中英国际低碳学院;
Research Fields
  • 电子垃圾的资源化处理与处置
  • 废旧塑料的资源化
  • 废旧锂离子电池的资源化
Research Projects

      主持课题包括国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、上海市自然科学基金;参与课题多项,涉及经费共计2107.7万元。其中包括国家自然基金重点项目1项、十一五国家高科技计划(863)专题项目2项和863滚动支持项目1项、教育部博士点基金1项、上海市节能减排科技支撑项目1项、政府招标项目1项、科技成果工业应用与转化项目各1项。并参与建设省部级工程技术研究中心3项。在国内外学术期刊、学术会议发表论文45篇,SCI检索37篇,EI检索2篇,Web of Science 核心合集数据库他引575次,包括环境领域顶级期刊ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL (IF=6.198) 10篇及市政工程领域顶级期刊J HAZARD MATER (IF=6.065) 12篇。论文“Recycle Technology for Recovering Resources and Products from Waste Printed Circuit Boards”被国外SCI期刊ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL、J HAZARD MATER等他引175次,《The New York Times(Science)》《New Scientist》《Nature China》等国内外30多家期刊网站也给予专题报道。英国皇家工程院院士,剑桥大学的Derek Fray教授认为这是一种非常重要的资源回收利用技术,具有广泛的应用前景。研究成果获国家发明专利10 项、申请国家发明专利10 项,产业化应用5项。获教育部技术发明一等奖,上海市优秀博士论文奖。

  1. Tan,W.J., Duan, Q.Y., Yao, L.P., Li J.*, A sensor combinatin based automatic sorting system for washing machine parts, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2022, 181, 106270
  2. Zhou M.X., Li B., Li J. *, Xu Z.M., Pyrometallurgical Technology in the Recycling of a Spent Lithium Ion Battery: Evolution and the Challenge, ACS EST Engg., 2021, 1, 1369-1382
  3. Duan Q.Y., Li J. *, Classification of Common Household Plastic Wastes Combining Multiple Methods Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, ACS EST Engg., 2021, 1, 1065-1073
  4. Qin Y.F., Gao K., Li J. *, Xu Z.M., Particle trajectory model for tribo-electrostatic separating mixed granular plastics, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2021, 4, 100219
  5. Li B., Li J. *, Xu Z.M., Recover lithium and prepare nano-cobalt from spent lithium ion batteries using a one-pot mechanochemical reaction, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2021, 5, 100282
  6. Wu X.Y., Li J. *, Yao L.P., Xu Z.M., Auto-sorting commonly recovered plastics from waste household appliances and electronics using near-infrared spectroscopy, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,246:118732.
  7. Yao L.P., Zeng Q., Qi T., Li J. *, An environmentally friendly discharge technology to pretreat spent lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,245:118820.
  8. Xiao J.F., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Challenges to Future Development of Spent Lithium Ion Batteries Recovery from Environmental and Technological Perspectives, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020,54,(1):9-25.
  9. Li J.,Li C.,Liao Q.C., Xu Z.M. *, Environmentally-friendly technology for rapid on-line recycling of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, polystyrene and polypropylene using near-infrared spectroscopy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 213, pp. 838-844, 2019, IF2018=5.651
  10. Li J., Xu Z.M. *,  Compound tribo-electrostatic separation for recycling mixed plastic waste, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol 367, pp. 43-49, 2019, IF2018=6.434
  11. Mao J.K., Li J.*,Xu Z.M., Coupling reactions and collapsing model in the roasting process of recycling metals from LiCoO2 batteries, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 205, pp. 923-929, 2018.
  12. Xiao J.F.,Li J.*,Xu Z.M., Novel Approach for In-situ Recovery of Lithium Carbonate from Spent Lithium Ion Batteries Using Vacuum Metallurgy, Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02561, 2017. IF2016=6.198
  13. Xiao J.F., Li J.*, Xu Z.M., Recycling Metals from Lithium Ion Battery by Mechanical Separation and Vacuum Metallurgy, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol 338, pp. 124-131, 2017. IF2016=6.065
  14. Li J., Gao K., Xu Z.M.*, Charge-decay electrostatic separation for removing Polyvinyl chloride, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 157, pp. 148-154, 2017. IF2016=5.715
  15. Li J., Jiang Y.Q., Xu Z.M.*, Eddy current separation technology for recycling printed circuit boards from crushed cell phones, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 141, pp. 1316-1323, 2017. IF2016=5.715
  16. 齐婷,陈家锋,李佳*,许振明,废旧锂离子电池电极材料中钴的无氧焙烧回收,有色金属(冶炼部分),2017,05期,11-14页
  17. Li J., Wang G.X., Xu Z.M.*, Generation and detection of metal ions and volatile organic compounds(VOCs) emissions from the pretreatment processes for recycling spent lithium-ion batteries, Waste Management, Vol 52, pp. 221-227, 2016. IF2016=4.030
  18. Li J., Wang G.X., Xu Z.M.*, Environmentally-friendly oxygen-free roasting/wet magnetic separation technology for in situ recycling cobalt, lithium carbonate and graphite from spent LiCoO2/graphite lithium batteries, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol 302, pp. 97-104, 2016. IF2016= 6.065
  19. 高开,李佳*,许振明,旋风荷电器中塑料颗粒摩擦荷电机理,材料导报,2016,30卷,505-510页
  20. Li J., Wu G.Q., Xu Z.M.*, Tribo-charging Properties of Waste Plastic Granules in Process of Tribo-electrostatic Separation, Waste Management, vol 35, pp.36-41, 2015. IF2016=4.03
  21. Miloudi M., Dascalescu L.*, Li J., Medles K., Tilmatine A., Improved Overall Performances of a Tribo-Aero-Electrostatic Separator for Granular Plastics From Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol 51 (5),pp 4159-4165, 2015. IF2016=2.937
  22. 王光旭,李佳*,许振明,废旧锂离子电池中有价金属回收工艺的研究进展,材料导报,2015,07期,113-123页
  23. Li J., Zhou Q., Xu Z.M.*, Real-time monitoring system for improving corona electrostatic separation in process of recovering waste printed circuit boards, Waste Management & Research,Vol 32(12), pp. 1227-1234 .2014. IF2016=1.803
  24. Li J., Gao B., Xu Z.M.*, New technology for separating resin powder and fiberglass powder from fiberglass-resin powder of waste printed circuit boards, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol 48 (9), pp. 5171-5178, 2014. IF2016=6.198
  25. Miloudi M., Dascalescu L.*, Li J., Medles K., Tilmatine A., Performance improvement of a separator tribo-electrostatic aero for granular materials plastics recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2014 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/IAS.2014.6978353
  26. Miloudi M., Dascalescu L., Li J., El-Mossouess S., Medles K., Tribo-aero-electrostatic separator for coarse granular insulating materials, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol 20 (5), pp1510-1515, 2013. IF=2.155
  27. Li J., Dascalescu L., Bilici M., Xu Z.M.*, Numerical modeling of the trajectories of plastic granules in a tribo-aeroelectrostatic,Journal of Electrostatics,2013,Vol 17(3), pp.281-286. IF2016=1.315
  28. Wu G.Q., Li J.*, Xu Z.M., Triboelectrostatic separation for granular plastic waste recycling: A review, Waste Management, vol 3 (3), pp.585-597, 2013. IF2016=4.03
  29. Li J., Dascalescu L.*, Miloudi M., Bilici M., Xu Z.M., Physical model of granule adhesion to the belt-electrodes of a tribo-aero-electrostatic separator, Journalof physics: Conference Series, 2013, 418, 012073
  30. Li J., Dascalescu L.*, Newly-patented technical solutions for improving the tribo-electrostatic separation of mixed granular solids, Recent Patents on Engineering, 2012, vol 6, pp. 104-115. (Invited Review).
  31. Xue M.Q., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Electrostatic separation for recycling conductors, semiconductors, and nonconductors from electronic waste, Environmental science & technology Vol 46 (19), pp.10556-10563, 2012. IF2016=6.198
  32. Xue M.Q., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Environmental friendly crush-magnetic separation technology for recycling metal-plated plastics from end-of-life vehicles, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, Vol 46, pp. 2661-2667. IF2016=5.481
  33. Huang K., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Enhancement of the recycling of waste Ni–Cd and Ni–MH batteries by mechanical treatment, Waste Management, 2011, Vol 31, pp. 1292-1299. IF2016=4.03
  34. Ruan J.J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, An environmental friendly recovery production line of waste toner cartridges, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, Vol 185, pp. 696-702. IF2016= 6.065
  35. Li J., Xu Z.M.*, “Environmental Friendly Automatic Line for Recovering Metal from Waste Printed Circuit Boards”, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, vol 44, pp.1418-1423. IF2016= 6.198
  36. Huang K., Li, J., Xu, Z.M.*, “Characterization and recycling of cadmium from waste nickel-cadmium batteries”, Waste Management, 2010, vol 30, pp. 2292-2298. IF2016=4.03
  37. Huang K., Li J., Xu Z.M.*. A Novel Process for Recovering Valuable Metals from Waste Nickel-Cadmium Batteries. Environmental Science & Technology, 2009,43,8974-8978, IF2016=6.198
  38. Xu Z.M.*, Li J., Lu H.Z., Wu J., Dynamics of conductive and nonconductive particles under high-voltage electrostatic coupling field, Science in China: Series E Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(8):2359-2366. IF2016=1.019
  39. Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*. An Improved Model for Computing the Trajectories of Conductive Particles in Roll-Type Electrostatic Separator for Recycling Metals from WEEE. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009,167:489-493. IF2016=6.065
  40. Li J., Lu H.Z., Xu Z.M.*, Zhou Y.H., Critical Rotational Speed Model of the Rotating Roll Electrode in Corona Electrostatic Separation for recycling waste printed circuit boards, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 154 (3): 331-336. IF2016=6.065
  41. Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Zhou Y.H., Theoretic model and computer simulation of separating mixture metal particles from waste printed circuit board by electrostatic separator, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 153(3): 1308-1313. IF2016=6.065
  42.  Li J., Lu H.Z., Liu S.S., Xu Z.M.*, Optimizing the operating parameters of corona electrostatic separation for recycling waste scraped printed circuit boards by computer simulation of electric field. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 153(1): 269-275. IF2016=6.065
  43. Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Lu H.Z., Zhou Y.H., A Model for computing the trajectories of the conducting particles from waste printed circuit boards in corona electrostatic separators. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008,151:52-57. IF2016=6.065
  44. Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Electrostatic Separation for Recovering Metals and Nonmetals from Waste Printed Circuit Board: Problems and Improvements, Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42: 5272-5276. IF2016=6.198
  45. Guo J., Li J., Rao Q.L., Xu Z.M.*, Phenolic Molding Compound Filled with Nonmetals of Waste PCBs, Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42(2): 624-628, IF2016=6.198
  46. Lu H.Z., Li J., Guo J., Xu Z.M.*, Dynamics of spherical metallic particles in cylinder electrostatic separators/purifiers, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 156(1):74-79, IF2016=6.065
  47. Lu H.Z.; Li J.; Guo J.; Xu Z.M.*, Movement behavior in electrostatic separation: Recycling of metal materials from waste printed circuit board, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 197(1-3), pp 101-108, 1/2/2008,IF2016=3.147
  48. Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, A new two-roll electrostatic separator for recycling of metals and nonmetals from waste printed circuit board,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 161(1): 257-262, IF2016=6.065
  49. Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Electrostatic separation for multi-size granule of crushed printed circuit board waste using two-roll separator,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 159(2-3): 230-234, IF2016=6.065
  50. Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Optimization of key factors of the electrostatic separation for crushed PCB wastes using roll-type separator. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 154(1): 161-167, IF2016=6.065
  51. Li J., Lu H.Z., Guo J., Xu Z.M.*, Zhou Y.H., Recycle technology for recovering resources and products from waste printed circuit boards. Environmental Science & Technology, 2007, 41(6):1995-2000, IF2016=6.198
  52. Li J., Lu H.Z., Xu Z.M.*, Zhou Y.H., Application of corona discharge and electrostatic force to separate metals and nonmetals from crushed particles of waste printed circuit boards. Journal of Electrostatics, 2007, 65:233-238, IF2016=1.315
  53. Guo J., Li J., Rao Q.L., Xu Z.M., Phenolic molding compound filled with nonmetals of waste PCBs, Environmental science & technology Vol 42 (2), 624-628, 2007. IF=4.363,他引50次
  54. 路洪洲,李佳,郭杰,许振明*. Pulverization Characteristics and Pulverizing of Waste Printed Circuit Boards (Printed Wiring Boards) Based on Resource Utilization(基于可资源化的废弃印刷线路板的破碎及破碎性能). Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vol 41 (4): p: 551-556
  55. Lu H.Z., Li J., Guo J., Xu Z.M.*, Electrostatics of spherical metallic particles in cylinder electrostatic separators/sizers, Journal of Physics D (Applied Physics), 2006, 39(18): 4111-4115, DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/39/18/023, IF2016=2.588
  56. 郭杰,李佳,路洪洲,许振明*. 基于循环经济概念下的废弃电路板的再利用,材料导报,2006,11期,25-27页


  1. 废旧印刷电路板的破碎及高压静电分离方法,2007.05.02,中国,专利号:200510023785.5
  2. 废旧印刷电路板破碎颗粒的高压静电分离装置及分离方法,2008.05.21,中国,专利号:200510023788.9
  3. 废旧印刷电路板的基板材料颗粒再生板材的制造方法,2009.03.11,中国,专利号:200510023786.X
  4. 一种多种硬质废旧塑料的破碎与分选方法,2016.02.10,中国,专利号:201310695082.1
  5. 废旧硬质塑料破碎颗粒的荷电衰减分选装置,2016.03.30,中国,专利号:201310692304.4
  6. 电子废弃物资源化处理中挥发性有机污染物收集检测方法,2016.04.27,中国,专利号:201410455568.2
  7. 电子废弃物破碎与热预处理中挥发性有机物的采集装置,2016.07.06,中国,专利号:201410455580.30
  8. 废旧钴酸锂锂离子电池正负极残料资源化方法,2016.08.17,中国,专利号:201510017033.1
  9. 废旧混合塑料中PVC的分离回收方法,2017.03.01,中国,专利号:201510132079.8
  10. 一种废旧钴酸锂锂离子电池资源化的处理方法,2017.01.11,中国,专利号:201510017328.9
  11. 用于回收超细混合粉末中磁性粉末的半逆流式磁选装置,申请号:CN201610749817.8,公开号:CN106111323A
  12. 一种分离和富集超细混合粉末中磁性粉末的方法,申请号:CN201610752696.2,公开号:CN106269233A
  13. 批量预处理废旧锂离子电池的清洁放电方法,申请号:201610659045.9,公开号:CN106252771A
Honors and Awards
  • 培养的研究生中2人获得研究生国家奖学金,获得上海市优秀毕业生2人次。连续指导10项大学生创新项目(第八期,第十期,第十二期,第十四期,第十五期),其中三项升级为国家级创新项目,三项校内答辩优秀。指导的本科学生申请发明专利8项,授权3项,指导本科生在Environmental Science & Technology和Journal of Cleaner Production上发表SCI论文2篇。热诚欢迎具有环境、材料、计算机、机械等背景的考生报考。