Educational Background
  • 2020 — 至 今,副教授,中英国际低碳学院,上海交通大学
  • 2018 — 2020,助理教授,中英国际低碳学院,上海交通大学
  • 2017 — 2018,博士后,工程系,英国剑桥大学/巴斯大学
  • 2016 — 2018,博士后,机械与动力工程学院,上海交通大学
  • 2011 — 2016,博   士,机械与动力工程学院, 上海交通大学
Research Fields
  • 燃料电池/燃气轮机混合动力系统
  • 智慧能源系统及智能控制技术
  • 零碳化船舶先进动力系统
Research Projects

1. 2023-2026, 上海市科委国际合作项目,负责人。
2. 2022-2025,国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人。
3. 2021-2025,国家重大科技专项子课题1,负责人。
4. 2021-2023,国家重大科技专项专题三,负责人。
5. 2022-2023,中船集团-上海交大前瞻创新联合重点项目,负责人。
6. 2020-2023,上海市青年科技"启明星"人才计划项目,负责人。
7. 2019-2022,上海航天先进技术基金,负责人。
8. 2019-2021,国家自然科学青年基金,负责人。
9. 2018-2020,中国工程院重大战略咨询专题三,负责人。
10. 2017-2020,上海市青年科技“扬帆”人才计划项目,负责人。
11. 2017-2018,中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(第11批),负责人。
12. 2016-2018,中国博士后科学基金面上资助(第61批),负责人。
13. 2018-2019,上海交通大学与英国爱丁堡大学联合种子基金,负责人。

  1. Zhang, K., Sun, P., Li, S., Spataru, C., Lv, X.*, Weng, Y. Characteristic of thermal energy system self-driven by exhausted heat from equipment in lunar base[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, Volume 213, 118751.
  2. Wang, X., Mi, X., Lv, X.*, Weng, Y. Fast and stable operation approach of ship solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid system under uncertain factors[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 50, 2022. 21472-21491.
  3. Wang, X., Lv, X.*, Mi, X., Spataru, C., Weng, Y. Coordinated control approach for improving transient behavior of SOFC-GT hybrid system[J]. Energy. 2022. 248:123548.
  4. Jin Guan,Xiaojing Lv*,Catalina Spataru,YiwuWeng. Experimental and numerical study on self-sustaining performance of a 30-kW micro gas turbine generator system during startup process[J]. Energy. 2021,236:121468.
  5. Xiaoyi Ding, Xiaojing Lv *, Yiwu Weng. Fuel-Adaptability Analysis of Intermediate-Temperature-SOFC/Gas Turbine Hybrid System With Biomass Gas[J]. J. Energy Resour. Technol. 2021, 143(2): 022104.
  6. Xiaojing Lv*, Weilun Zeng, Xiaoyi Ding, Yiwu Weng, Shilie Weng. Experimental investigation of a novel micro gas turbine with flexible switching function for distributed power system. Front. Energy. 2020, 14: 790–800. 
  7. Xusheng Wang, Xiaojing Lv*, Yiwu Weng*. Performance analysis of a biogas-fueled SOFC/GT hybrid system integrated with anode-combustor exhaust gas recirculation loops[J]. Energy. 2020, 197:117213-13. 
  8. Ding Xiaoyi, Sun Wei, Harrison Gareth P., Lv Xiaojing*, Weng Yiwu. Multi-objective optimization for an integrated renewable, power-to-gas and solid oxide fuel cell/gas turbine hybrid system in microgrid[J]. ENERGY, p: 118804, 2020.
  9. Xiaojing Lv*, Xiaoyi Ding, Yiwu Weng. Effect of fuel composition fluctuation on the safety performance of an IT-SOFC/GT hybrid system[J]. Energy, 2019, 174:43-53.
  10. Xiaoyi Ding, Xiaojing Lv*, Yiwu Weng*. Coupling effect of operating parameters on performance of a biogas-fueled solid oxide fuel cell/gas turbine hybrid system[J]. Applied Energy. 2019, 254:113675.
  11. Xiaojing Lv*, Xiaoyi Ding, Yiwu Weng. Performance analysis of an IT-SOFC/GT hybrid system using gasified biomass fuel in different operating modes[J]. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2019, 141:011501-1 — 011501-5.
  12. Xiaojing Lv*, Xiaoyi Ding, Yiwu Weng. Performance analysis of island energy system of SOFC and GT with gasified biomass fuel[J]. Energy Procedia. 2019.159:406-411.
  13. XiaoyiDing, XiaojingLv,YiwuWeng*. Effect of Operating Parameters on performance and Safety Evaluation of a Biogas-fueled SOFC/GT Hybrid System[J]. Energy Procedia. 2019.158:1842-1849.
  14. Z. X. Chen, N. A. K. Doan, X. J. Lv, N. Swaminathan, G. Ceriello, G. Sorrentino, and A. Cavaliere. Numerical study of a cyclonic combustor under MILD conditions using non-adiabatic tabulated chemistry[J]. Energy & Fuels. 2018, 32 (10):10256–10265.
  15. Xiaojing Lv*, Shilie Weng, Yiwu Weng*. Technological development of multi-energy complementary system based on micro-grid. Frontiers in Energy. 2018. 12(4):509-517.  
  16. Xiaojing Lv*, Chenghong Gu, Xing Liu, Yiwu Weng*. Effect of gasified biomass fuel on load characteristics of an intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine hybrid system [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 44:9563–9576.
  17. Xiaojing Lv, Xing Liu, Chenghong Gu, Yiwu Weng*. Determination of safe operation zone for an intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine hybrid system [J]. Energy, 2016, 99: 91-102.
  18. Xiaojing Lv, Chaohao Lu,Xinjian Zhu,Yiwu Weng*. Safety Analysis of a SOFC/GT Hybrid System Fuelled with Gasified Biomass [J]. Journal of Fuel Cell Science Technology, 2015, 12:011008-1-011008-6.
  19. Xiaojing Lv, Chaohao Lu, Yuzhang Wang, Yiwu Weng*. Effect of operating parameters on a hybrid system of intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine [J]. Energy, 2015, 91: 10-19. 
  20. Xiaojing Lv, Xiaoru Geng, Xinjian Zhu, Yiwu Weng*. Effect of Steam on the Thermodynamic Performance of an IT-SOFC/GT Hybrid System [J]. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2016, 37(4):705-710.
  21. Xiaojing Lv, Xiaoru Geng, Xinjian Zhu, Yiwu Weng*. Performance Study on Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine Hybrid System Fuelled with Wood Chip Gasified Gas [J]. Proceedings of the CSEE.2015, 35:133–141.
  22. Xing Liu, Xiaojing Lv, Yiwu Weng*. Effect of water on catalytic combustion of ultra-low heat value fuels over 0.5%Pd/ZrO2/γ-Al2O3 [J]. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2017,37(09):704-709.
  23. Xiaoru Geng, Xiaojing Lv, Yiwu Weng*. Performance Analysis of SOFC/GT Hybrid System using biomass gas[J]. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2015, 35(2):166-172.
  24. Qing Zhao, Xiaojing Lv, Weiguo Wang, Yiwu Weng*. Effect of Reforming Condition on the Performance of the SOFC Stack[J]. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2015, 35(11):929-933.
  25. Chaohao Lu, Xiaojing Lv, Yiwu Weng*. Effect of Hydrogen on Catalytic Combustion of Methane with Ultra-Low Concentration[J]. Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering. 2016, 36(4): 271-276. 
  26. Xiaojing Lv, Xiaoyi Ding, Yiwu Weng*. Effect of Water Vapor on the CO Catalytic Combustion over 0.5%PdZrO2/γ-Al2O3[C]. Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering. Paris, France.19/02/2018.
  27. Xiaojing Lv, Xiaoyi Ding, Yiwu Weng*. Catalytic combustion of ultra-low heat value fuels over 0.5%Pd/ZrO2/γ-Al2O3[C]. Proceeding of ASME 2017 Power Conference. Power Energy2017-3274. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 26/06/2017.
  28. Xiaoyi Ding, Xiaojing Lv, Yiwu Weng*. Performance Study on Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine Hybrid System Fueled with Biomass Gas[C]. Proceeding of ASME 2017 Power Conference. doi: 10.1115/POWER-ICOPE2017-3346. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 26/06/2017.(EI)
  29. Zhenkun Sang, Xiaojing Lv, Yiwu Weng*. Investigation of Catalytic Combustion in the Rotary Regenerator Type Catalytic Combustor at Different Inlet Velocities[C]. Proceeding of ASME 2017 Power Conference. doi: 10.1115/POWER-ICOPE2017-3414. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 26/06/2017.
  30. Xiaojing Lv, Chaohao Lu, Xinjian Zhu, Yiwu Weng*. Performance Analysis of IT-SOFC/GT Hybrid System Fuelled with Non-Design Biomass Gas[C]. Proceeding of International Conference on Power Engineering-2015. ICOPE-15-C038. Japan. 01/12/2015.
  31. Xiaojing Lv, Chaohao Lu, Xinjian Zhu, Yiwu Weng*. Effect of Steam on the Performance of an IT-SOFC/GT Hybrid System [C]. Proceeding of ASME 2015 Power Conference. Power2015-49076. San Diego, USA. 02/07/2015. 
  32. Xiaojing Lv, Xiaoru Geng, Yiwu Weng. Thermodynamic Analysis of a SOFC/GT Hybrid System Fuelled with Gasified Biomass[C]. Proceeding of ASME 2014 Power Conference. POWER2014-32042. USA. 31/07/2017.

《Intelligent Control Technology in Energy System》,研究生,48学时,春季学期

《Energy Clean and Cascade Utilization》,研究生,48学时,秋季学期


1. Passive organic working fluid ejector refrigeration method, Authorization No.: US 9841214B2. 2017.12.12. Yiwu Weng, Xiaojing Lv,美国授权专利。
2. Passive low temperature heat sources organic working fluid power generation method,Publication No.: US 10060302B2. 2018.08.28,Yiwu Weng, Xiaojing Lv,美国授权专利。
3. 一种非能动式有机物工质喷射制冷方法 . 授权公告号: CN 103528262 B, 授权日期: 2016.05.25,翁一武,吕小静,中国发明专利。

1. 翁一武,吕小静. 能源技术[M].上海科学技术出版社,2017年8月。
2. 翁史烈,闻雪友, 翁一武. 燃气轮机发展战略研究[M]. 上海科学技术出版社,2016年8月,负责编著第3、4章
3. 翁一武. 低品位热能转换过程和利用[M].上海交通大学出版社,2014年12月,负责编著第2、3章

Other Professional Activities
  1. 国际外文期刊审稿人

Energy》、《 International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyandApplied Energy》。

  1. 国内外学术组织任职

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Member

中国造船工程学会轮机委员, 委员

中国动力工程学会, 委员


Honors and Awards
  1. 2020年,上海交通大学教职工年度考核“优秀”
  2. 2020年,上海市青年“启明星”人才计划
  3. 2019年,上海交通大学博士后奖励基金“二等奖”
  4. 2018年,“Outstanding Reviewer” Energy-Elsevier 
  5. 2017年,上海市青年“扬帆”人才计划
  6. 2016年,上海交通大学“优秀博士毕业生”